Creative Consulting & Script Coverage Services
Note: All 24-hour turnaround has an added $20 fee. Same-day turnaround has an added $45 fee.
All scripts must be received by 6 PM for next-day turnaround, and by noon for same-day turnaround.
Not currently taking on new clients except by referral.
Treatment Notes
Full creative feedback on your treatment, up to 25 pages.

Logline Ideas
Five ideas for a logline for a feature or pilot, after reading your project. Maximum page count: 125 pages for any script. $1 per additional page.
No additional creative notes.
Short Film Coverage
Coverage for your short film. Maximum page count: 25 pages. $1 added for every additional page.
Note: This does not include synopsis.
30 Minute Pilot Coverage
Coverage for your 30 minute TV pilot. Maximum page count: 40 pages. $1 added for every additional page.
Note: This does not include synopsis.
$95 – 30 min pilot
1 Hour Pilot Coverage
Coverage for your 1 hour TV pilot. Maximum page count: 70 pages. $1 added for every additional page.
Note: This does not include synopsis.
Feature Film Coverage
Coverage for your feature film script, up to 125 pages. $1 for every additional page.
Note: This does not include synopsis.
$185 – feature film screenplay

Zoom Consultation
(with Read)
1 hour Zoom Consultation regarding your project after reading (maximum 125 pages, $1 added for every additional page).
No written creative notes provided – this is an opportunity for you to ask questions. Recommend taking notes as we discuss your project!
$175 – 60 min

Zoom Consultation
1 hour Zoom Consultation regarding your project before reading.
No written creative notes provided – this is an opportunity for you to ask questions. Recommend taking notes as we discuss your project!
$125 – 60 min
Synopsis Add-On
Synopsis added to any of the above services.